You Never Know What You Are Missing

Don't allow the wisdom of seniors and elders go to waste, listen to their history and learn from their experiences. Count their stories as treasures

I need to confess that I pushed old people around a whole lot as a teenager. Furthermore, I am rather proud of that fact. I volunteered at my local zoo for two summers, navigating wheelchair-bound seniors around the park. I loved my job as we were given access to much of the zoo before the […]

Intentional Listening Reaps Great Rewards

Save changesIntentional Listening Reaps Great Rewards

It takes discipline to listen with intention and focus, but are there benefits in doing so? Why do we so easily lose our focus? Video Transcript Hi there and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist. And today, as always, we’re going to be reading from these Bible promise cards. And today, it’s […]

Don’t be Afraid, He’s Calling You by Name

Video Below Transcript [00:00:00] Hi, and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist, and today we’re going to start with Isaiah 43:1 from the New International Version “I have called you by name. You are mine.” And in the New Living Translation, I’ll be reading the complete verse. [00:00:13] Isaiah 43:1 “But now […]