Kindness doesn’t cost you much more than your attention, and occasionally, your time. It reaps immediate and eternal benefits for yourself and, more importantly, for others. Practising kindness purges the toxins of selfishness and pride from your body, soul, and spirit. If you haven’t practised the skill of kindness for a while, it might seem […]
You are Never Too Far Gone to Turn Around

Full disclosure, I wrote portions of the following in early 2015, after an encounter I had with the Lord in a time of worship. Fast forward to February 2021, and once again, in a time of prayer and worship with other believers during an online service, I felt the Lord speak to me. He wanted […]
We’re Not All in the Same Boat

I’ve never been a massive fan of shopping. I have always been an ‘in and out of the store quick’ type of gal. You can imagine how quickly I am shopping in 2020. Last week, my friend and I decided to go grocery shopping because we heard that there would be a sharp rise in […]
Warning: Objects in the Mirror are Closer than They Appear

I was going to go off on a huge rant today, but I immediately felt a check in my spirit. And so, this is a mini-rant to explain why I felt led to write this blog. It had to do with a tendency I see on social media where people think that comparison is needed […]
Stop Stoning the Afflicted

I am often gobsmacked as I read some responses to Social Media statuses posted by people who are facing a life-altering crisis or who are afflicted by a chronic disability. While the majority of comments are appropriately encouraging and empathetic, there are always those comments that wound, offering clichéd advice. “Get past this as fast […]
Maybe Those aren’t Your Thoughts, After All

Have you ever felt ashamed by the thoughts roaming around in your head? I have. Have you ever felt negative emotions toward others that you have no idea where those emotions stemmed from? I have. Case in point. Over the past several weeks, I’ve been horrified at the copious amounts of judgemental thoughts that popped […]