Some Gardens God Invites Us to Enter Aren’t Pleasant

Some gardens God invites us to enter may not be pleasant. Sometimes, we have to fight our battles in solitary Gethsemanes.

Years ago, I was drawn to a young man who worked at a large church. He was involved in various departments, and his tasks gave him a modest social media presence – this was during the early days of what we now know as social media. I was excited when he started his own ministry. […]

Throwing out the Baby with the Bath Water?

Are you dismissing all the good someone once did in your life because they are no longer the person they once were?

Many many years ago, I learned that an author who I greatly admired and whose books helped me immensely in the early years of my healing from some past traumas, fell from grace, to put it mildly. I had a decision to make back then. I could discount all the healing and insight I received […]