When we read familiar Bible verses, we can get into a rut. So, let’s read a familiar verse, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,” from the Message paraphrase to get a bit of a different slant on this gem. Psalm 119:105. “By your words, I can see where I’m going; they throw a […]
It’s All about Following His Heart
Jesus wouldn’t allow those around Him to think they could follow the rules and be right with God. He called out those who tried to hide behind the law. He reached out to those others considered beyond redemption because of their lack of observance of the law. Those who humbled themselves, admitting that they just […]
I’ll Follow the Rules but Let Me Do It Myself!!
When I first started this ministry, Facebook and other Social Media platforms didn’t exist. We communicated through message boards and websites. HTML and simple CSS coding made it easy for most people to create a website. I learned simple HTML and understood enough CSS coding to get by, thoroughly enjoying the challenge. I felt smug […]
Do You Read Your Bible Just to Justify Your Position?
A mathematical definition of the word ‘proof’ is: A mathematical proof is an inferential argument for a mathematical statement, showing that the stated assumptions logically guarantee the conclusion. In layman’s terms, it means proving the reasoning of your statement through a series of steps that clearly show how you reached your conclusion. I really did […]
Nothing Can Separate Us From The Love Of God In Christ Jesus
Nothing Can Separate Us From The Love Of God In Christ Jesus! Facing continuing economic crisis, increasing persecution against Christianity, devastating weather, health crises, family hardships, homelessness, or anything else? Remember this truth. Nothing can separate us from God. Absolutely nothing. God’s love is fierce, it is not passive, it is not disengaged. No matter […]
Ready For The Suddenlies?
The horrific loss of life and property caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 caused the entire world to grieve. As I watched the news coverage, I heard multiple survivors describe the events as happening ‘suddenly.’ The tsunami caught hundreds of thousands off guard. There was no warning. As they went about their day […]