John was on the lookout for a new hangout, a casual cafe close enough to his new job that it would allow him a leisurely and peaceful lunch hour. As he strolled down a crowded sidewalk, he bumped into a sandwich board that advertised a cafe that promised nutritious, delicious, and tantalizing food at a […]
Being a Fix-It-All Usually Blows Up in Your Face
I’ve been reading large portions of the Bible this year as part of my studies and personal devotions. I always look forward to 1 and 2 Samuel. These books are full of intrigue, suspense, romance, epic battles, and the cautionary tales found in the lives of both Saul and David. As I read the story […]
Let Your Lens focus Drip with Grace
So often we fail to give others the same grace we expect from them. We walk into a room of strangers, a new church or group and we feel hurt because no one approaches us. Yet, when we are in our own familiar surroundings, we are so caught up in fellowshipping with our friends, we […]
But Jesus Remained Silent
Isaiah 53:7 – “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.” As the middle child in a family with five children, I had my fair […]