Do You Suffer From Spiritual Selective Amnesia?

Lord, deliver your people from the malady of Selective Amnesia, which robs us of our peace and weakens our trust in Your character.

Do you suffer from Spiritual Selective Amnesia? If you do, don’t be alarmed. Many Christians fall prey to this affliction. The symptoms usually appear a year or so after they surrender their hearts to Christ. They remember the peace that overwhelmed them and carried them through the early days of their salvation. They remember the […]

Feeling Pressed In On All Sides?

Are you feeling pressed in on all sides? You aren't the only one! There is a refinement going on in the Body of Christ right now.

Are you feeling pressed in on all sides? You aren’t the only one! There is a refinement going on in the Body of Christ right now, and it’s being felt in the Western Church. Persecution is growing in the form of government interference and agendas of groups whose mandate is and has already cost believers […]

Further In! Push Past Resistance

Further In! Push Past Resistance

Ezekiel 47:2-6 NLT –”I could see the water flowing out through the south side of the east gateway. Measuring as he went, he took me along the stream for 1,750 feet[a] and then led me across. The water was up to my ankles. He measured off another 1,750 feet and led me across again. This […]

Go! No Matter What Storms You Face!

No matter what storms you face today, reach out to God, and you’ll feel His light. But don't forget to take that light to those in darkness.

No matter what storms you face today, reach out to God, and you’ll feel His light. But don’t forget to take that light to those in darkness. An excerpt from Seasons . I thought was appropriate to share again in today’s uncertain climate. If you TRULY can’t afford to purchase my books, let me know. […]

God is not an Abusive Parent

“Perseverance is more than endurance. It is endurance combined with absolute assurance and certainty that what we are looking for is going to happen.” – Oswald Chambers It’s no secret that I live with a lifelong, progressive disability. I want to clarify what I believe about physical healing, disability, and character development. 1. God is […]

God was Silent, So It Seemed

Although it might appear God is silent, he is always speaking to those who wait in quiet expectation.

God was silent, or so it seemed. The age of His prophets walking amid His people had long passed, or so it seemed. The tales of the patriarchs, along with the narrative of Moses leading the children of Israel into freedom, were all that the current generation had left. These stories evoked more wistful sighs […]