Spring is around the corner and to celebrate, I would love to give my loyal visitors to this website a gift. If you are a Kindle user, you can download this book from March 16-20, 2018 for free.
How to download:
If you don’t see the link above, go to your Amazon account, where ever you happen to live. Search for “Katherine Walden Seasons Kindle” and download it there!
What is the book about?
Seasons is my first book, published in 2014, and it is a compilation of 90 inspirational devotions and thought-provoking writings, penned with humour, wisdom, and compassion. You’ll find many stories from my life and my travels. If you like my weekly blog, you’ll be blessed by this book! Through powerful imagery that is often allegorical, this thought-provoking devotional will challenge you to consider a delightful myriad of uplifting possibilities:
God desires an intimate relationship with His creation.
God is good, He is on your side and His intention has always been to bless you.
Your fears and your insecurities, your hopes and your dreams matter to God.
Vulnerability, trust, transparency, humility, and honesty are the keys that God uses to bring breakthrough in your life.
It’s natural to hear God’s voice and experience the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you go about your daily life.
You have something of immense value to give to the world.
God’s transformational, restorative power takes your weaknesses and transforms them into mighty vehicles that carry His grace, hope, and peace to your family and loved ones.
God created you to live an abundant joy-filled life, regardless of obstacles you might face. Health issues, financial difficulties or any other heart-wrenching circumstance cannot hinder God from working mightily in you and through you.
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Until Next Week
©2018 Katherine Walden
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