Just What Are You Thinking? Your Thought Life Impacts Your Atmosphere

A slip of the tongue is nothing more than a thought leak. Whatever controls our thoughts will eventually control our tongues.    

If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all. We have all heard this charge, either from a parent, a grandparent, or a teacher. But I would like to suggest that this sage advice does not go to the heart of the matter, which is our hearts!   So-called Influencers are paid to […]

Are You Sure Its Righteous Anger? – A Word to Christians on Social Media

Who or what is fuelling your rage? Are you sure your righteous anger is actually righteous?

What many call ‘righteous anger’ is not so righteous. Hear what the Lord is saying. There is an ever-increasing divide, a polarization sweeping the planet, fueled by Social Media and online news agencies masking themselves as unbiased sources. Unfortunately, in 2023, I have yet to find a single news outlet without a slant or agenda. […]

The Beauty of Seasons of Waiting

Children are born with little understanding of the value of waiting. Any parent or teacher can attest to that, especially during the days leading up to special events. The minutes seem like hours; the hours seem like days, and the days like years. Parents feel their children’s anxiety and frustration, and while they sympathise, most […]

Face Your Battles With Full Strength

Facing a battle? Remember: Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Eccl 4:12

I’ve drawn much comfort from the final book in the “Chronicles of Narnia” series by C. S. Lewis, entitled “The Last Battle.” The protagonists find themselves in a fight that appears to be hopeless. Outnumbered, weary, and bruised, the tiny band of heroes struggle to protect those who turned against them. Stuck between a rock […]

Are you Forever Pursuing the Perfect Gift to Give?

Be authentic with God. He doesn’t expect perfection. Our Heavenly Father gifted His Son to us to reconcile imperfect us with His perfect self. 

I love to give my friends meaningful presents, and I am always in pursuit of just the perfect gift!  Case in point: a few years ago, one of my closest friends approached a milestone birthday. I wanted to honour her, not just because she was an amazing friend, but because she was someone I greatly […]