At what point did Judas think to himself, “That’s enough Jesus, you’ve gone too far this time!” I believe Judas was not purely evil – no person starts out as such – but at one point, he turned his affections away from his Rabbi and gave into bitterness, which eventually led to his act of calculated and evil betrayal.
At one point or another, we Christ-followers meet the hard sayings of Jesus head on. If you notice in the gospel narrative, there is little to no direct exchange between Judas and Jesus. Judas took his complaints and questioning to his fellow disciples, not to Jesus directly.
We can’t simply gloss over the hard stuff Jesus said and did and pretend they don’t exist, but we can’t stumble over them either. Do you have a hidden ‘deal-breaker with Christ? If so, remember, Jesus isn’t afraid of hard conversations. Have one with Him today.
All Bible references are from the NASB 1995 unless indicated otherwise.
Until next week,
©2021 Katherine Walden