Monday Discussion Group Cancelled for May31, 2021

As today is a national holiday in the US, and as most participants are from the US, we will cancel our weekly discussion group for this week. Remember to take a moment to remember all those in the military, police force, and fire departments around the world who gave their lives to better the world […]

Continuing our Series on Prayer

Have you ever felt like you entered a time vortex where a second feels like an hour during a prayer meeting? Have you ever wondered why your weekly prayer group rarely sees fresh faces? If someone new happens to stumble in, they don’t stick around after a couple of weeks. Is it your breath? Is […]

Feeling a little under the weather, no blog this week

No Blog this week, I am feeling a little under the weather. No, it’s not covid. Just some sort of muscle thang I am prone to catching, due to my disability. Lots of rest, liquids, etc today after a day of rest, I will be back to normal tomorrow Still planning on the weekly zoom […]

I Need Your Help

Hi there, everyone. This will be short and sweet and right to the point. Vulnerability time.   If you find my ministry to be of help to you, please consider a one-time donation to help cover the costs of the upcoming yearly web hosting fees. There are other ways you can help as well, found here.

9/11 – A 2020 Perspective. Have we forgotten what Fuels Evil?

Remember: We promised on 9/11/01 that we would NEVER forget. The horror of those lives lost will stay in our minds forever, but how quickly we forget the purpose of that evil act was to silence freedom of speech (Don’t say anything against Mohammed), and freedom of religion (if it was not their religion of […]