As today is a national holiday in the US, and as most participants are from the US, we will cancel our weekly discussion group for this week. Remember to take a moment to remember all those in the military, police force, and fire departments around the world who gave their lives to better the world we live in today. Enjoy your freedom.
Keeping prayer as our focus for the next little while, consider practising this over this week.
Thought to consider this week
Before jumping in directly to pray into a situation that is overwhelming you or is of great concern for you, remind yourself that He is with you. You don’t need to beg Him to come, He is already with you – always. You might want to simply place a hand over your heart, take a deep breath, close your eyes and say quietly, “Oh but you’re here” Don’t hurry past that acknowledgement, wait a few seconds even before you move on. He is with you, He is for you, He is as deeply concerned for whatever is on your heart and whatever you face.
Remember: You are very welcome to join our weekly Zoom discussion group, we are a friendly, welcoming bunch. Our meetings are led back and interactive. Message me for more information by using the contact form on this site.
©2021 Katherine Walden