Hold Tight, Don’t Let Fear Distract You!

When your world is falling apart, it's vital you don't allow yourself to be distracted. Hold tight.

A few weeks back,  I lelt led to share a word the Lord gave me on focusing and ignoring distractions. It appears God has his finger on the topic. I have read several prophetic words dealing with focus and the threat of being led off course by seemingly innocuous bunny trails. Sometimes, those distractions that […]

Every Day is a New Beginning

We find strength when we admit we are weak. God knew what He was getting when he invited us to join him in this grand adventure.

Lamentations 3:22-23 -“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” “Groundhog Day” is on the list of my all-time favourite movies and I’ve watched it countless times. No pun intended. Why? Because it is hilarious, and it is a story of redemption. I can relate […]

Focus, People, Focus!

The enemy knows how easily we are distracted. The only way to combat his strategy is to focus on what is important.

I confess I struggle to remain focused. Even as I sit in front of my laptop and attempt to write these thoughts, my mind wanders. It’s nearly impossible to focus on just one thing in today’s world. Social Media gurus and organisations who rely on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, emails, texts, and news outlets to get […]

Remember Who We Battle Against

Remember who we do battle against. The heroes of our faith sacrificed much for our freedom, both in the spiritual and natural realms May we never forget their sacrifices

November 11, 2018, at 11:00 am marks the 100th observation of Armistice Day, now called Remembrance Day in Canada. This solemn day of remembrance is observed worldwide, honouring the war dead as well as those in active service. As long as I can remember, at the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the eleventh […]

Stop Stoning the Afflicted

Jesus never afflicted the afflicted, yet so often, the hurt and grieving are wounded by fellow believers at the very moment they need His touch.

I am often gobsmacked as I read some responses to Social Media statuses posted by people who are facing a life-altering crisis or who are afflicted by a chronic disability. While the majority of comments are appropriately encouraging and empathetic, there are always those comments that wound, offering clichéd advice. “Get past this as fast […]