And Where do You Make Your Abode?

Abode – An old-fashioned word, yes. Formal documents used to ask ‘Where is your abode? Where do you abide?’, meaning “Where is your permanent place of residency? Psalm 91 talks about abiding. What’s that all about?

Video Transcript – Video Below

[00:00:00] Welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a twist. And if you’re wondering what the twist is, follow the arrow. It will lead you to a playlist and the very first entry in that playlist explains all of this.

[00:00:12] Today we’re reading from the NIV version, first of all. Psalm 91:1. “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” So, let’s go to the New American Standard Bible, Psalm 91:1. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”

[00:00:42] I’d like to point out two words [today]. He who DWELLS in the shelter of Most High. The word ‘dwell’ can be translated as sits or as rests or it can also be translated as sits enthroned. So. this psalm could actually be a psalm of protection and a declaration of God’s goodness over one of the Kings. That’s pure speculation on my part. However, we are called a royal priesthood and we’re called a holy nation.

[00:01:19] We can sit enthroned as a royal priesthood with an understanding that we have the authority to pray and declare Psalm 91 over our situations if we remain in the shelter of the Most High. There’s the ‘if’ clause.

[00:01:41] The second word I’d like us to look at is the word ABIDE. Abide in the shelter of the Almighty. If you apply the conditions in Psalm 91:1, then you have access to all the promises and declarations and truths that are spoken of in Psalm 91.

[00:02:03] The word ‘abide’ and the word ‘abode’ probably come from the same root words. Where do you make your primary abode? The word abode gives a connotation of permanence. This is my permanent home. This is my permanent place of residence.

[00:02:25] Get the word abide has a connotation of permanency. This is where I live. This is my permanent street address. This is where my mail gets sent to. This is where I go at the end of the day and I eat, and I rest.

[00:02:40] So, let’s read Psalm 91:1 again. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” He who rests with assurance and the authority that God has given him, as long as he remains in the shelter of the Most High, and as long as he abides and makes his permanent abode in the shadow of the Almighty, then the rest of Psalm 91 he can take to the bank.

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©2018 Katherine Walden

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