Tossing and Turning from Anxiety? No need!

Stress and anxiety can overwhelm us, especially at night. What if there was a different perspective we could take that would break that cycle?

Raw Video Transcript

Hi there and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist. And today our verse is Proverbs 19:23. “The fear of the Lord leads to life. Then one rests content untouched by trouble.” And we’re going to stick with this translation, today. The New International Version.

So let’s define what the fear of the Lord is first, by saying what the fear of the Lord isn’t. The fear of the Lord isn’t that gut-wrenching terror that you feel when you’re having a nightmare and the bogeyman is running after you with an axe. Nor Christians should not carry the fear that three strikes and you’re out is part of God’s agenda over his creation.

So, Just what is the fear of the Lord? Many translations and Bible dictionaries refer to the fear of the Lord as having respectful reverence and a sense of awe when we think about God. Yes, God is our Heavenly Father, Jesus is our big brother and our advocate, and the Holy Spirit is our constant companion and our comforter. However, they are infinite, all powerful, all knowing, and ever-present everywhere, at the same time.

If you find it difficult to rest and to be at ease, especially during your night hours, read Psalm 121, the first couple of verses that promise us that God does not sleep. That He watches over us at all times. When we combine that truth with the awesomeness and the vastness of God, the creator of the universe, the all-powerful one, watching over us, then there should be no reason why we should not be able to rest easy without anxiety and without stress.

So, if you are having a difficult time sleeping, you’re tossing and turning because of anxiety, perhaps because of mistakes in your life, perhaps because of financial situations, or you worried about your children, or whatever. Spend some time meditating on just how awe some God is and how big, and vast, and holy, and capable He is. And rest in that assurance that that God, all powerful, is holding you in His arms and He is more than capable to take care of whatever situation that is keeping you awake.

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©2018 Katherine Walden

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