Who are Your Sources and What are Their Agendas?

Wise Social Media users verify the information they share and ensure its credibility before sharing.

In today’s fast-paced social media landscape, you must be wise when sharing new information you have just received. Before believing it or passing it on as factual, take a moment to ensure its accuracy. Here’s a guide to help you discern the credibility of posts you’re encouraged to share with your friends: 1. How old […]

Are You Addicted to Fear? Media’s Ultimate Sales Pitch

Over the last four and a half years, we’ve all learned one thing: fear sells. Every news outlet on the planet knows this. Yes,  even your favourite alternative news source. Mainstream or not, every news outlet is looking for revenue to pay their employees and to grow their sphere of influence. All outlets know they […]

Anxiety Up? What is Your Mind Feasting on?

Anxious? Worried? Stress-out family? Is it time to pull the plug on news channels and such?

I chose long ago to ditch News Channels. Somehow, they have to fill in 24 hours of so-called news daily. In my experience, 23 of those 24 hours are filled with fear-mongering and speculative opinionated experts who spew so-called facts that fit the political bias of that news agency. I haven’t watched a national or […]

You are Responsible! Fact-Check Before You Share on Social Media

You are Responsible! Fact-Check Before You Share on Social Media

Dear Christian friends, Don’t fall for the stuff floating around social media that is deliberately created to make Christians look gullible. One example popped up yet again on Facebook as recently as December 2023. A particular meme has been making the rounds for at least the past ten years. A graphic of Santa kneeling by […]

Social Media’s Plague of Unkindness

Social Media has a viral plague of Unkindness. Are you a carrier of the disease?

I learned something a few weeks ago as I watched a YouTube video meant for entertainment and not necessarily education. Where I learned this bit of new knowledge is ironic. YouTube is a prime example of the spread of a plague that is spreading across Social Media. Did you know that a group of ravens […]

Just What Are You Thinking? Your Thought Life Impacts Your Atmosphere

A slip of the tongue is nothing more than a thought leak. Whatever controls our thoughts will eventually control our tongues.    

If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all. We have all heard this charge, either from a parent, a grandparent, or a teacher. But I would like to suggest that this sage advice does not go to the heart of the matter, which is our hearts!   So-called Influencers are paid to […]