I recently confessed on social media that I was living with a secret shame. There were areas of my kitchen I could not clean, but I knew they needed to be done. It had been years that the stove and fridge had been pulled out and adequately cleaned behind. When I moved into this apartment […]
Poisoned by Hidden Shame?
Is this for you today? Take action. There’s freedom for you today. Hidden, unresolved shame poisons the soul. It cripples relationships. It stalls destiny. It turns our backs on God. It lies to us that God has abandoned us and that He is disgusted by us. The ONLY antidote is light. Bring those areas of […]
Let Yourself Off the Hook

Video Transcript Hi there and welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a Twist and today as always we’re going to begin by reading one verse from the New International Version and that Psalm 103:12.”As far as the east is from the west so far he has removed our transgressions from us” And now, let’s […]
Self, God forgives you. So, I forgive you too!

We can walk in fellowship with God the Father, this side of heaven. We just need to step into His light and let go of our shame and guilt. 1 John 1:7 I share a wonderful bit of wisdom my grandmother wrote in her Bible concerning this passage. What a precious gift this is to […]