Ever had a season when it seemed like everything and everyone was coming against you and the only thing you could do was to head for the hills? David had a few of those seasons, some caused by outright persecution and others were of his own making. Psalm 3:1-2 – “O Lord, how many are […]
A Boarding Gate is a Place of Transition, Not a Destination
Airports, bus terminals, train stations; they share one thing in common — a place to wait. Waiting areas also hold something else in common. Their designers do not expect people to use them for extended stays. Although I can’t exactly prove my suspicions, I believe airports, bus terminals, and train stations take the following criteria […]
Stop the Insanity! Step Out of Toxic Cycles
“The definition of insanity is doing something over and over and expecting a different result.” – Author Unknown Although there is no proof that Albert Einstein was the originator of the above quote, and evidence points to the contrary, it is still a wise saying. However, although this quote we wrongly attribute this quote to […]