Work from His Presence

Before you begin a task, enter God's presence. Work from that awareness. You'll find insecurities and the need to prove yourself to God and man dissipate.

Work from an awareness of God’s presence and approval. Don’t work to prove that you are worthy of His presence and approval. Ephesians 4:10 (NKJV) We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. When I write within God’s presence and from an […]

Washing It All Away

Jesus calls us to go to individuals who mire themselves in the muck of their life choices. He calls us to do so without judgment or fear of defilement.

I vividly remember the heavy haze of blue smoke enveloping me when I was a child at most social gatherings involving adults. I was, and still am, sensitive to smoke of any kind. Both my parents were heavy smokers. However, it was not until I moved away from home that I discovered the insidious nature […]