When You Hit the Wall, Press On and Keep in the Race!

When you hit the wall, press on! Keep running the race! The finish line is closer than you I think.

I love the pageantry, challenge, and thrill of Olympic events. I am drawn to the underdog, wincing at their every stumble and cheering them on as they complete the race. It doesn’t matter that they come in last. They endured to the end. At every Olympics. a previously unknown athlete captures global attention by overcoming […]

You Don’t Win a Gold Medal on Your Own

Proverbs 11:24 – “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Athletes who compete against the clock fascinate me. Long distant runners, bikers, decathletes, swimmers, speed skaters, and skiers. At first glance, it appears they deserve all the glory for their incredible successes, or so it […]

Do Others Know You’re a Diehard Fan of Team Jesus?

Brag about God, cheer His exploits, let others know what team you swear your allegiance to

During Hockey Playoff season, millions of Canadians are glued to their televisions, smartphones or tablets, watching all the events. Many fans paint their faces in the colours of their favourite teams, and others wear jerseys, even if they are only watching the games in their living rooms. Some go as far as being tattooed in […]