Psalm 37:3-6 -“Trust in the Lord and do good, Dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your ways to the Lord. Trust in Him and He will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as a light and […]
A Christian’s Joy Is More Than a Giddy Emotion

Christian joy is not just a giddy, light-hearted, frothy emotion. Joy is meatier than that; it has substance. It girds us up and lightens our path even through the darkest of days. “The joy of the Lord IS our strength.” Joy is not born from our past, present or future circumstances. Joy is born from […]
I’ve Been Robbed! Someone Stole My Joy!!

Have you ever come home from church or a revival meeting only to be met by a grouchy husband, unruly child or a cranky neighbour? Have you ever received a speeding ticket on your way to or from a meeting? Did it feel like someone popped your joy balloon? Did you ever wake up the […]
God’s Joy Gives Strength, It’s not Just a Feeling

Christian joy is not just a giddy, light-hearted, frothy emotion. No, it’s meatier than that, it has substance. Joy is a bedrock we can build upon. It has endurance; it is strong enough to gird us up through even the darkest of days. Nehemiah 8:10 -“Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is […]
It’s Your Joy, Do All You Can to Keep It!

A few years ago, it definitely was not beginning to look like Christmas in my city in mid-December. At least, not on the surface. With temperatures well above freezing and no snow on the ground, I still found myself singing “Jingle Bells” as I darted around my neighbourhood in my power-chair, a rare luxury in […]
Christian Joy is not a Frothy Emotion

Christian joy is not necessarily defined as a giddy, light-hearted, frothy emotion. Joy is meatier than that, it has substance. It has endurance, it is strong enough to gird us up through even the darkest of days. “The joy of the Lord IS our strength.” Joy is not born from our past, present, or future […]