Face Your Battles With Full Strength

Facing a battle? Remember: Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Eccl 4:12

I’ve drawn much comfort from the final book in the “Chronicles of Narnia” series by C. S. Lewis, entitled “The Last Battle.” The protagonists find themselves in a fight that appears to be hopeless. Outnumbered, weary, and bruised, the tiny band of heroes struggle to protect those who turned against them. Stuck between a rock […]

Isolation Breeds Temptation of Unhealthy Connection

Photo credit: Pixabay - Marisa04 People say I'm wise in the ways of the Internet. Perhaps, but I earned it through graduating with a degree in “Learning Lessons the Hard Way.”

God designed us with the need to be seen, heard, valued, cherished, and respected. While He could abundantly meet these needs Himself, He created us to do life with others. It is not needy to have needs. It is healthy. The enemy does everything in His power to sabotage God’s original intent of connection between […]

Tempted to Judge Another’s Temptation?

Temptation Although we don't all face the same temptations, we do battle a common enemy. He is relentless in his tactics. Isn't it ironic that we, who struggle with temptation, are so swift to place a judgment against our brothers and sisters as they struggle with temptation?

“Unless you have never been tempted, don’t pass judgment on someone who has yielded.” Author Unknown Imagine a store opening its doors, heralded by a marketing blitz like none other. Local radio, print, and television are plastered with eye-catching graphics, catchy jingles, and promises of complete satisfaction. Television commercials feature beautiful models running hand in […]