It is honestly up to you as to how you experience attending your local church. Here are some tips. 1: On your way to church, take a moment to pray for your pastor, worship leaders, Sunday School teachers, ushers and all the volunteers who will probably be at the church a good hour before you […]
Do You Pray FOR Governments More Than You Complain ABOUT Them?
Here’s a tough question to ask yourself. Be honest, it’s alright, it’s just between you and God. What amount of time do you spend praying FOR governments in comparison to the amount of time you spend complaining about those in authority? Please hear me out, and read the complete article, before you protest. 1 Timothy […]
Continuing our Series on Prayer
Have you ever felt like you entered a time vortex where a second feels like an hour during a prayer meeting? Have you ever wondered why your weekly prayer group rarely sees fresh faces? If someone new happens to stumble in, they don’t stick around after a couple of weeks. Is it your breath? Is […]
Is it a Prayer Meeting or a Kitten Round-up
Ever wonder if you are attending a prayer meeting or if you are witnessing a bunch of kittens resisting being herded? “It’s easy to follow when we want to go where the leader is taking us, but what about when He takes a turn we’re not in favour of?” – Lisa Barry. Lori eagerly arranged […]
Kath’s Weekly Zoom Call is MOVING
It appears that Tuesdays weren’t working for most people, and now that my schedule is a bit clearer for the next while, I can switch dates so more people can access our weekly Zoom call for those who follow my blog and who know me on other social media platforms. TIME/DATE CHANGE FOR KATH’S WEEKLY […]
Battles are Won When We are One
Exodus 17 8-13 – “Then Amalek came and fought with Israel at Rephidim. So Moses said to Joshua, ‘Choose for us men, and go out and fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.’ So Joshua did as Moses told him, and […]