In a World Gone Mad, Whose Fool Are You?

What motivates you in a world that often appears to have gone mad? Is it selfish ambition, or is it the selfless pursuit of blessing God and others?

I was a child when I first watched the classic slapstick farce, “It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.”  The movie’s premise was simple. A dying man gave cryptic clues to a motley group of strangers. These clues led to a supposed vast fortune. Pursuing the jackpot led the gang across the deserts of Nevada […]

He wasn’t Just Another Homeless Guy

A person's living conditions don't define them in God's eyes. Those we label homeless are God's kids, of great value. He knows them by name. © Sculpture by Timothy Schmalz - Homeless Jesus

I sat silently, stunned by a phone call where I was asked to pray for a mutual friend. Our friend was in intensive care with severe head trauma and was not expected to live. Test results showed that much of R’s brain no longer functioned. We prayed that his extended family would be able to […]

Feeling Like You’ve Been Knocked Down?

If you are going through a rough time, if you have a few chips on your rim and a few hard knocks, but you are still standing, thank God that He fashioned you to endure.

2 Corinthians 4: 7-9 (NASB) -But we have this treasure in earthen containers so that the extraordinary greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. I had the following […]

When You Hit the Wall, Press On and Keep in the Race!

When you hit the wall, press on! Keep running the race! The finish line is closer than you I think.

I love the pageantry, challenge, and thrill of Olympic events. I am drawn to the underdog, wincing at their every stumble and cheering them on as they complete the race. It doesn’t matter that they come in last. They endured to the end. At every Olympics. a previously unknown athlete captures global attention by overcoming […]

What Does Born Again Mean? Why do Christians call themselves that?

What Does Born Again Mean Why do Christians say you must be born again

What does it mean to be born again? Like the moment of our physical birth, there’s a specific point and moment in which a person must be born again. It starts with realizing that no matter how hard we try, there are areas of our lives that we just cannot overcome: sinful behaviours, attitudes, harmful […]