Are you tired of all the judgment out there? Are you your worst critic? It’s ironic that a society that pushes inclusion down our throat is much more judgemental than past generations. We can’t say a word without worrying if it will be taken the wrong. Who can we turn to? Is there anyone who sees us without judgment? Yes! There sure is.
Video Transcript (Video Below)
[00:00:00] Hi everyone and welcome back to Daily Bible promises with a Twist. If you’re wondering what the twist is, follow the arrow to the letter ‘I’, click on that ‘I’ and the very first entry in the playlist that will pop up will explain everything that we’re doing.
[00:00:16] We’re reading from daily Bible promise cards that are written in The New International Version. Psalm 32:7 will be a familiar one to us all. “You are my hiding place. You will protect me from trouble.”
[00:00:31] In the New Living Translation, the same verse reads, “For you are my hiding place. You protect me from trouble, you surround me with songs of victory.”
[00:00:44] If you’ve been following this series along you’ll know that the last Bible promise that we read was written by Paul, and he was quoting Psalm 32:1-2. So, this should be familiar to you and we’re going to start there as it kind of gives us a backstory.
Psalm 32:1-2 “Oh what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, who sin is put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt.”
[00:01:18] And we’re going to move on to verse 5 and we’re going to read to verse 6. “Finally, I confess to all my sins to you and stop trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, I will confess my rebellion to the Lord. And you forgave me. All my guilt is gone. Therefore, let all the godly pray to you while there is still time. That they may not drown in the flood waters of judgment. For you are my hiding place. You protect me from trouble, you surround me with songs of victory.”
[00:01:53] In God’s eyes. David, after he repented, and God forgave him, God saw David as godly once again. It’s somewhat easy to accept the fact that God forgives us for those things that we have done, even when we have deliberately sinned against Him and walked in rebellion. When we turn to Him, accepting the fact that God forgives us can be somewhat easy because we know God is love. We understand that He sent His Son to die for our sins and that His forgiveness is there when we return in repentance.
However, it’s not too easy to forgive ourselves and we judge ourselves. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and we’re constantly bringing up our past sinful actions to ourselves. When we choose to live in self-judgment and a critical spirit towards ourselves, we can begin to feel like we’re being pushed under water. The judgment becomes so heavy it’s like millstones tied around our neck.
[00:03:04] Sometimes those floodwaters of judgment are coming from other people who we have hurt, who we have sinned against, who we have harmed. Although we’ve done everything that we possibly could do as far as paying restitution for our actions, asking for forgiveness from that individual, and from truly repenting which if we remember yesterday, was to turn away from and walk in the opposite direction of the behaviours that we were doing and to change our thinking.
So, what can we do? Remember that God is our hiding place. When judgment comes against us, we can run to Him. He will be our hiding place. Not only does He hide us, but He also gathers us and sings songs of victory and deliverance over us.
[00:04:01] Allow him to speak his truth over you.
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©2018 Katherine Walden
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