God’s Prescription to Cure a Disgruntled Heart

od's prescription for heart discouragement? Gratitude! Think about what Jesus did for us in the days leading up to Easter. You can't help but be grateful!

The Lord’s prescription for my ungrateful heart is a simple one. He asks me to intentionally choose to live each day in gratefulness. I write this at the beginning of what is called Holy Week in some church traditions. No matter what your denomination or faith stream, it’s a good time to think upon the days leading up to the pivotal point of our Christian faith.
I am including a few resources today that might be a help to you as you spend some time thinking about the last few days leading up to Christ’s resurrection.

As I have said before, When my heart meditates on all that Christ has provided me through his death and resurrection, there is no room for bitterness. When I choose to make joy the foundation of my life, bitterness and self-pity can’t set up shop in my heart. Remember this, joy is not always a frothy, bubbly emotion, Christian joy is meatier than that, it is something we can stand firmly upon, a bedrock of our faith. Hebrews 12:2 (NKJV) – “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus knew what the week ahead looked like and yet there is no biblical account of him going through those last days with a sourpuss expression.

As you look forward to celebrating Easter Morning, don’t rush through the coming days. Choose the slow lane, read each Bible passage below slowly, take your time. Ask the Lord for fresh eyes and a teachable heart so you can find those nuggets of gold you might have missed before. I have found it helpful when I read a passage I have read several times before to read it out loud from a translation I usually don’t read from.

Sunday – Palm Sunday. Jesus arrives in Jerusalem. Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, and John 12:12-19.

Monday – The clearing of the Temple Matthew 21:12–22, Mark 11:15–19, Luke 19:45-48, and John 2:13-17.

Tuesday – Jesus spends some time on the Mount of Olives with his disciples and speaks of the end times. At the end of the day, he probably spends the evening with friends in Bethany. Judas Iscariot meets with the Sanhedrin. Matthew 21:23–24:51, Mark 11:20–13:37, Luke 20:1–21:36, and John 12:20–38

Wednesday – Not much is recorded about this day, but it is speculated Jesus spent the day with close friends, resting and preparing for what was to come.

Thursday – Jesus and his disciples celebrate Passover by sharing the traditional Seder meal. Jesus tries to prepare his disciples for what is about to happen. After an agonising time of surrender in the beautiful setting of the Mount of Olives, Jesus is arrested. His disciples abandon him and Peter betrays him. Jesus stands before the Sanhedrin and he awaits trial. Matthew 26:17–75, Mark 14:12-72, Luke 22:7-62, and John 13:1-38. (Read John 14-15 as well)

Friday – Jesus stands trial and is sentenced to death. He carries his cross through the streets of Jerusalem after being brutally beaten and whipped. He is ultimately crucified, dies, and is buried. Matthew 27:1-62, Mark 15:1-47, Luke 22:63-23:56, and John 18:28-19:37.

Saturday – Jesus’ body lays in the tomb. When Sabbath ends, his body is treated with the customary spices and herbs in preparation for burial. Matthew 27:62-66, Mark 16:1, Luke 23:56, and John 19:40.

Sunday – He’s alive! Matthew 28:1-13, Mark 16:1-14, Luke 24:1-49, and John 20:1-23.


If you are charts sort of person, there is a free printable PDF provided by BibleGateway.com. While it is free to distribute, please keep the Bible Gateway’s logo on the printout! Bible Gateway suggests following the lines in the chart to see at a glance what people were doing, where they were, and whom they were with at any point during the week.


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All Bible verses attributed to the ESV version unless otherwise indicated.

Until Next Week,

©2019 Katherine Walden

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