After over 15 years of posting blogs every Monday, I am switching to Fridays starting today, May 7, 2021. If you receive my weekly email that includes an archive of the past seven Daily Christian Quotes, that date will change as well. As a result, this week’s quote archive will be a bit shorter than usual.
This will accommodate my schedule as I am planning of continuing my ministry training, as the Lord provides. This will also allow me to change our weekly Zoom calls to Monday evening which better suits the schedules of most of those who wish to attend. More details here. You are more than welcome to join us, please don’t feel intimidated as we are a smaller group who truly welcome newcomers, you’ll never feel like an outsider.
We are starting a series on prayer, using both the resources that are on this website as well as new content. However, as it’s been over 20 years since I compiled most of the resources. I will update articles as I would like to believe I have learned new insights over the years. I am pretty sure I might even disagree with some of the stuff I previously posted.
Now, be honest with me. Does the subject of prayer send you into a bit of a tailspin? Do you secretly shudder at the words ‘Prayer and Intercession?’ Let’s dismantle some myths about prayer and overcome the negative effects of less than stellar prayer times in your past.
Unfortunately, many have reduced their prayer life to a daily trip through a spiritual drive-thru, handing Him a list of wants, needs, and petitions. They expect God to hand them a list in return. You know, made up of all the things they need to do to ensure God answers their prayers. With a wave and a nod of thanks, they go about their day, missing out on the most crucial point of prayer – communion.
Spoiler alert. God designed us to be in fellowship with Him. He created us to be in conversation and relationship. He’s inviting you to sit around His table, to speak and to listen. His table is a place to let go, relax, breathe in, and enjoy each other’s company. It’s a place where we can receive His counsel. There is never a problem we bring to that table that God does not have a solution for.
Join me as we learn new things about prayer and lay down some of our preconceptions!
To find out how to join our weekly Zoom calls, please use the contact form here. Include your email address and your Zoom name, along with a short note as to why you’d like to join our discussion group. I have privacy measures put in place, including a waiting room on the Zoom platform. If I don’t recognise you from previous contact, you will not be allowed to join the call.
Sign up for my weekly email that not only includes a devotional but also seven quotes from prominent authors, speakers, and heroes of our faith. I do not use this mailing list for any other purpose!
From November 2020 forward, all Bible verses attributed to the NASB version unless otherwise indicated.
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