Worship is Not a Spectator Sport

Worship was never meant to be a spectator sport where we sit back and cheer on the team on the playing field.

I attended an upscale church for a few years that spent tonnes of money on great sound equipment and lovely surroundings. We had ‘specials’ every Sunday evening sung by highly trained soloists and duos accompanied by dramatic pianists. Beautiful frocks and stylish suits were mandatory attire for the team. We were dazzled by their talent, […]

Feeling Pressed In On All Sides?

Are you feeling pressed in on all sides? You aren't the only one! There is a refinement going on in the Body of Christ right now.

Are you feeling pressed in on all sides? You aren’t the only one! There is a refinement going on in the Body of Christ right now, and it’s being felt in the Western Church. Persecution is growing in the form of government interference and agendas of groups whose mandate is and has already cost believers […]

Fact or Fake? It’s Getting Hard to Tell

Is it real or is it fake? AI has great potential to be of help but it has potential of doing great harm. Don't be a lazy consumer of information.

This week’s blog is not my usual style but bear with me. I have something at stake here. As a creative, an author, and a blogger, I have growing concerns about AI. Just yesterday, I saw that Tom Hanks is suing a dental product company that used AI to recreate HIS voice, HIS image, and […]