Social Media’s Plague of Unkindness

Social Media has a viral plague of Unkindness. Are you a carrier of the disease?

I learned something a few weeks ago as I watched a YouTube video meant for entertainment and not necessarily education. Where I learned this bit of new knowledge is ironic. YouTube is a prime example of the spread of a plague that is spreading across Social Media. Did you know that a group of ravens […]

Just What Are You Thinking? Your Thought Life Impacts Your Atmosphere

A slip of the tongue is nothing more than a thought leak. Whatever controls our thoughts will eventually control our tongues.    

If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all. We have all heard this charge, either from a parent, a grandparent, or a teacher. But I would like to suggest that this sage advice does not go to the heart of the matter, which is our hearts!   So-called Influencers are paid to […]