I sat silently, stunned by a phone call where I was asked to pray for a mutual friend. Our friend was in intensive care with severe head trauma and was not expected to live. Test results showed that much of R’s brain no longer functioned. We prayed that his extended family would be able to […]
Self Worth
Stop Trying to to Get People to Like You

Some people sabotage themselves by trying to prove to those from whom they seek approval that they are worthy of that approval. All that does is build walls. Most healthy people pull away from people who try too hard to seek approval, acceptance or justification. Live your life and quit seeking approval or understanding from […]
Walk Like You’re Worthy

If you are gauging your self-worth and identity on what others have done to you, said to you or called you in your past or what others might say about you in the future, then you are sentencing yourself to a life of anxiety, second-guessing yourself and confusion. God is our source of identity, he […]
Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain

When our identity and self-worth becomes entangled in how we wish others to view us, we eventually hide behind a curtain woven from the fabric of anxiety and fear. Case in point: The story of Saul found in 1 Samuel 9 and the following chapters. It’s important to realise that there were cracks in Saul’s […]