I Owed Father God a Huge Apology

I owed Father God an apology. He understood where I was coming from and slowly dismantled my twisted view of what a Father's love truly was.

I once owed Father God a HUGE apology. You see, I came to salvation with a whole boatload of baggage that I wasn’t ready to unpack until decades later. I didn’t even know what was in that luggage back then, and that was because of God’s mercy in hindsight. However, my picture of Father God […]

Orphans in the Father’s House

My fellow Christians, we are not orphans in the Father’s House. It’s time to accept our identity. We are His beloved children and heirs.

1 John 3:1 (MSG) – “What marvellous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are.” I’m speaking to regular church-goers who have attended church since before you can remember. Perhaps you have said the ‘Sinner’s Prayer” at some point in your life. After […]

God Knows Your Name But Do You Know Your Neighbour’s Name?

We rejoice that Our Father knows our name and is active in our lives. But how well do we follow his lead? Do we know our neighbours? Do we even see them?

God knows you; he knows your name; he knows you better than you know yourself. He pays attention; he notices things. God’s not just making a list of all the areas of your life that need fixing though! He’s genuinely interested in your thoughts, your desires, and your dreams. By a single glance, your Heavenly […]

Is It Time to Go Make Up with Father God?

Reconciliation – a big word and a process that isn’t always easy. However, Jesus’ sacrifice cleared THE path so we can enter into a full relationship with His Father, who waits with anticipation. He longs for us to get to know him. Let’s read 2 Cor 5:21 together. Video Transcript (Video Below) [00:00:00] Hi Everyone, […]