To be Delighted is to be Focused

A Give and Take Delightful Relationship


Psalm 37:3-6  -“Trust in the Lord and do good, Dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your ways to the Lord. Trust in Him and He will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as a light and your justice as a noonday.”

The above verses are relational and reciprocal. We do something, and God does something. He does something and we respond. There’s a give and a take. As we trust in the Lord and do good,  we dwell in the land and befriend the one who personifies faithfulness.

To befriend faithfulness personified – what an amazing privilege we have been given! When I am delighted with something, I focus 100 percent on whatever I am delighted in. Whether it’s a bowl of ice cream, let’s say, or whether it’s watching children play.  If it’s a book I enjoy, I enter into the author’s world, and my complete focus is on the story that it tells me.

It’s the same thing when it comes to God. When we delight ourselves in the Lord, we can’t wait to learn more about Him, understand Him, and learn how He does things. When we immerse ourselves in the sheer pleasure of being in His presence, that is where our hearts delight after Him.

I have noticed that married couples who have a healthy, loving, special relationship and have been married for decades will always finish each other’s sentences. They know what each other is thinking and their motivations. It’s almost as if they’re speaking as one.

When we delight ourselves in the Lord and immerse ourselves in all that God is, almost by osmosis, the desires of His heart become the desires of our hearts. The things that are good and wholesome and that will help us and help those around us will become the desires of our hearts. We will talk to the Lord and strategize with Him to see those things come to fruition.

So, commit your way to the Lord and trust in Him. He will respond, and it will be good and delightful.

©2024 Katherine Walden