A well-trained soldier knows when to rest when given the opportunity to do so. Finding a place of protection and safety doesn’t do a warrior much good if he doesn’t place his trust in those who guard that place. Learning to stay in the moment and quieting your heart, emotions, and mind takes discipline! Video […]
And Where do You Make Your Abode?
Abode – An old-fashioned word, yes. Formal documents used to ask ‘Where is your abode? Where do you abide?’, meaning “Where is your permanent place of residency? Psalm 91 talks about abiding. What’s that all about? Video Transcript – Video Below [00:00:00] Welcome back to Daily Bible Promises with a twist. And if you’re wondering […]
Overwhelmed by all the Judgemental Attitudes Out There?
Are you tired of all the judgment out there? Are you your worst critic? It’s ironic that a society that pushes inclusion down our throat is much more judgemental than past generations. We can’t say a word without worrying if it will be taken the wrong. Who can we turn to? Is there anyone who […]
Social Media Security Tips
An ongoing YouTube series giving tips that will help you to protect yourself and your loved ones on Social Media and reduce your chances of being scammed. As FaceBook is the primary Social Media platform I use, many of the tips I will give are directly related to Facebook. However, you can easily apply the […]
Sometimes, Chopsticks are a Bad Idea
While waiting in a long line at my local grocery’s checkout counter, I passed the time by glancing over at the store’s flower shop a few feet away. One scraggly little plant in the discount section caught my attention. The poor thing was an exotic version of a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. Spindly, floppy, and […]