Our Relationship is with the Giver and not His Gifts

It's not about the amount of gifts we've been given, it's how we use those gifts

The enemy would love for you to think if you were proficient in using every gift of the Spirit, you’d be more worthy of God’s love. He’d like you to believe that if you were endowed with the intellect and academic understanding of Solomon, then you would hold more influence in God’s kingdom. The enemy’s […]

Thanksgiving Should Be A Default Emotion

Thanksgiving should be the default expression of a Christian's heart. Therefore, my obligation to be grateful is not dictated by my circumstances.

In Canada, we celebrate our Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October. It’s the day where we give thanks for our family, friends, and provision. Many people mistakenly believe that our Canadian Thanksgiving is just a copy of the American Thanksgiving holiday. Canadians do share many of the same traditions as our neighbours to the south […]

Washing It All Away

Jesus calls us to go to individuals who mire themselves in the muck of their life choices. He calls us to do so without judgment or fear of defilement.

I vividly remember the heavy haze of blue smoke enveloping me when I was a child at most social gatherings involving adults. I was, and still am, sensitive to smoke of any kind. Both my parents were heavy smokers. However, it was not until I moved away from home that I discovered the insidious nature […]

Tempted to Judge Another’s Temptation?

Temptation Although we don't all face the same temptations, we do battle a common enemy. He is relentless in his tactics. Isn't it ironic that we, who struggle with temptation, are so swift to place a judgment against our brothers and sisters as they struggle with temptation?

“Unless you have never been tempted, don’t pass judgment on someone who has yielded.” Author Unknown Imagine a store opening its doors, heralded by a marketing blitz like none other. Local radio, print, and television are plastered with eye-catching graphics, catchy jingles, and promises of complete satisfaction. Television commercials feature beautiful models running hand in […]