Our Relationship is with the Giver and not His Gifts

It's not about the amount of gifts we've been given, it's how we use those gifts

The enemy would love for you to think if you were proficient in using every gift of the Spirit, you’d be more worthy of God’s love. He’d like you to believe that if you were endowed with the intellect and academic understanding of Solomon, then you would hold more influence in God’s kingdom. The enemy’s […]

Rest When You Have the Opportunity to Do So

A well-trained soldier knows when to rest when given the opportunity to do so. Finding a place of protection and safety doesn’t do a warrior much good if he doesn’t place his trust in those who guard that place. Learning to stay in the moment and quieting your heart, emotions, and mind takes discipline! Video […]

Feeling Like You are Late to the Party?

Ever feel like you are a last-minute addition to the party or that you might not even be REALLY welcome to the party even though your hosts say otherwise? The Gentile believers in Rome might have felt that way and Paul goes out of his way to reassure them they were invited guests after all. […]

Fear and Timidity are not Gifts of the Spirit

What fire are you feeding and what are you using for kindling? Did you know God didn’t give us fear and timidity? We’ve all read 2 Timothy 1:7 but there’s more to that statement than just that statement, let’s find out what Paul was trying to impart to this young pastor. Video Transcript (Video Below) […]

Engraved on God’s hands? What’s That’s About?

Carved in God’s hands? Cute little kids nestled in a big hand or is there more to the story? Reading Isaiah 49:16 today. Heads up. I LOVE the whole chapter. Video Transcription [00:00:03] Hi and welcome back to daily Bible promises with a twist. The twist is that I’m taking those little slips of paper […]