Malnourished in the Land of Plenty

We all have our preferences when it comes to exploring the things of God, but when we neglect to feast on all God offers us, we become malnourished.

I gazed out the window of my office, watching a hundred giggling, shrieking, happy children play in the packed dirt compound of our preschool. Playground games are universal; Tag, I Spy, King of the Mountain, and Spin Me until I’m Dizzy. Girls whispered secrets to each other, and the boys pretended not to care that […]

Ready For The Suddenlies?

When suddenly faced with a crisis, there is no time to prepare yourself or store the provisions needed. Now is the time to do prep work with the Lord.

The horrific loss of life and property caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 caused the entire world to grieve. As I watched the news coverage, I heard multiple survivors describe the events as happening ‘suddenly.’ The tsunami caught hundreds of thousands off guard. There was no warning. As they went about their day […]

You Don’t Win a Gold Medal on Your Own

Proverbs 11:24 – “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Athletes who compete against the clock fascinate me. Long distant runners, bikers, decathletes, swimmers, speed skaters, and skiers. At first glance, it appears they deserve all the glory for their incredible successes, or so it […]

It’s a Delicate Balance

Just as our bodies need to work in alignment and balance, so must our spirits and hearts.

The human body is the most complex and intricate of God’s creations. Every muscle, ligament, and tendon has a specific function to do, and yet each part of our body cannot fulfil its role without the aid of other parts of the same body. If one muscle weakens, other muscles overcompensate, compromising the delicate balance […]