What is fueling Your Feud? Sidestep the Political Spirit!

What is fueling your feud? Have you fallen under the influence of a political spirit that brings division and destroys relationships?

I wrote much of this blog in 2016, little knowing what our world would look like in 2022. A political spirit and a religious spirit are working in tandem to bring increasing division in the world at large, including the church. In C. S. Lewis’s brilliant allegory, the “Voyage of the Dawntreader”, the author speaks […]

Do You Pray FOR Governments More Than You Complain ABOUT Them?

We complain about governments, but how often do we actually do what Paul exhorted us to do? How often do we actually pray for governments?

Here’s a tough question to ask yourself. Be honest, it’s alright, it’s just between you and God. What amount of time do you spend praying FOR governments in comparison to the amount of time you spend complaining about those in authority? Please hear me out, and read the complete article, before you protest. 1 Timothy […]

Focus, People, Focus!

The enemy knows how easily we are distracted. The only way to combat his strategy is to focus on what is important.

I confess I struggle to remain focused. Even as I sit in front of my laptop and attempt to write these thoughts, my mind wanders. It’s nearly impossible to focus on just one thing in today’s world. Social Media gurus and organisations who rely on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, emails, texts, and news outlets to get […]